Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Andy Warhol Style Biography Portraits

It has been a while since I have been to update this blog.
As an update: I am currently teaching 2nd grade at a public school in the Bronx. I am putting my graduate education and certification in elementary education to use. (It really is all about networking, my NYU professor got the the interview.)  I'm glad to say each time I encounter administration they tell me they have heard only fabulous things about me. I have also received great observation feedback.

I still desire to teach art. I am happy to be a classroom participating the the LeAP arts integration program with NYU. I look forward to each professional development day that I get to learn new arts lessons to do with students.

Most recently I used my LeAP training to expand our writing unit on non-fiction narratives. We created Andy Warhol style portraits of the Great Americans that we wrote about. As a culminating activity to the published writing piece, we did a short powerpoint overview of Andy Warhol and his art style, taking note of line, and color in his work. Then students used oil pastels and tempura paint to manipulate portraits of their Great Americans (MLK Jr, JFK, Ab Lincoln and Helen Keller). While many students used the Andy Warhol style as inspiration, I need to redirect and talk about being respectful to the students which decided to turn JFK into Batman, or MLK Jr into a clown.

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