Saturday, March 16, 2013

ArtCart vs Art Classroom Teacher Inquiry Questionnaire

Please post response in comments, or email to me at

Art Cart Inquiry Questionnaire:

How long have you been teaching?

How long ago did you get certified?

What type of teaching certificate do you hold?

What type of teaching environment do you teach in? Classroom/Art Cart

Describe your classroom layout:

Describe the process of planning/preparing: a one day lesson plan?

A multi-day lesson plan?

How long does it take to prepare for a standard lesson, one day and multi-day?

How do you prepare materials for your lesson (for example a impressionist painting lesson)?

How long does it take to prepare these materials?

How long in your lesson do you plan to:



Student activity?

Clean up?


Where do you keep in progress work?

Describe common obstacles you encounter when teaching?

Do you believe your environment creates obstacles?How so?

What are some restrictions and/or bonuses based on the environment in which you teach?

Do you believe the classroom environment in which you teach affects your teaching, preparation and

 execution? How so?

Describe what changes you would make if your teaching environment changed? Classroom to art cart

 or Art cart to classroom?

Describe your ideal teaching environment as an art teacher?

Please provide an attached lesson plan if possible. 1 day and multi-day.